Saturday, July 2, 2011

Great Pictures on a Budget

After my post, Meet the family, I thought you should meet my model Valerie, I call her Vintage Valerie…lol:) She is a great model and does everything I tell her to.  Although it would be nice to have a live model sometimes….I will save that thought for another post.

After reading Fredrick_Nijm blog post on Tips to insure You are putting Your Best Photo(s) Forward I decided to share how I get my best photos.

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First of all I’d like to say it took me quite awhile to learn how to do this. I tried and failed many times, but I kept trying until I got it right.

I used many background colors and textures until I came up with the one I’m currently using now.  I used sheets ,curtains and different fabrics. I decided that a gray paper backdrop for clothing items was the best for me.

I bought a roll of gray paper from an online business. I did not have a stand to put it on so I had to get creative and come up with a way to attach it to the wall…I happened to have 2 wooden curtain rod holders that are in the shape of a U and screwed them to the wall.  I used a piece of PVC pipe to run inside the roll and then place it on the holders and Wha’La!

For the lights that I use I bought open shop light florescent fixtures that have a pull chain and I also use the silver reflector light fixtures with a clamp.  The bulbs I use in the long fluorescent fixtures are the Daylight 5000K wattage and the bulbs I use in the reflector fixtures are 100W florescent bulbs.

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I had to play around a bit with the distance of where to put the fixtures and also I had to play around with the settings on my camera, this is important too! That in itself will require another post.  Now that I have my settings right for taking pictures of clothing, I feel that I need to learn more on taking pictures of smaller items…I still do not have that nailed down…I know that probably sounds silly, but it is true.  I hope to get more tips and tricks from my friends. Do you have any tips you can share with me?  

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